TMS Europe LtdTMS Europe Ltd is a UKAS accredited calibration laboratory No.0461, as defined in our Schedule of Accreditation. As a UK manufacturer we're a member of Made in Britain.

Silicon Carbide Sighting Tube 2" BSPP x 500mm Long

Silicon Carbide Sighting Tube 2


Price:   £ 150.00 (£180.00 Including VAT at 20%)

Current Availability:   1 - 2 days
Available for ordering online (UK+IE) or off-line.

Description and Specifications
Description and Specifications

Sighting tubes are used to assist in measuring temperature in extreme environments up to a maximum operating range of 1450°C. Silicon carbide is a porous material but with an outstanding resistance to thermal shock and good mechanical strength. Not suitable for use in highly oxidising atmospheres.

500X50X25mm long silicon carbide tube cemented into a 2" BSPP X 150mm mild steel tube

This product is our standard stock item however it can be made to any specification you require - please contact us with your requirements.

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